Wednesday 1 January 2014

Goodbye 2013. Hello 2014!

As we dive headlong into a new year, it's always a good time to reflect on the one just gone.

2013 was a year with some amazing highs, but also some real lows!

Finding out my dad had been diagnosed with cancer was the biggest low of the year. My parents had struggled through a few really tough few years and were finally in a place where they felt more happy and content and then BOOM!!! 

His first course of treatment began in November and comes to an end in late January. Hopefully with a successful result. It has been stressful and emotional for everyone, especially my dad and mum. But we have pulled together and had strength for each other when we've felt low. I would have been lost without my fiancé Tim, so I thank him with all my heart.

During the same period my Uncle became ill and was admitted to hospital for several days. Thankfully an operation in the next month or so should rectify his problem, fingers crossed.

As you can imagine these two events were real shocks and it was in a way nice to have some really exciting things going on at the same time to give us all a welcome distraction.

Our children are the best tonic for us and our family. They can make even very sad times seem better!

Scarlett has continued to do well at school and has again exceeded our expectations, making us immensely proud of her every day.  Seeing her love for learning and achieving is a wonderful thing. Long may it continue.

George is coming on leaps and bounds.  Having turned two in September, his speech is really improving. He loves interacting with all age groups of people and gets really excited when he learns something new. As with his sister, he makes us proud every day.

They are growing in to wonderful little people and I'm excited to see what 2014 brings.

The really big event of 2013 was the purchase of a house in Wales.

For the past 5 years we have been looking to buy a property to set up as a holiday rental. We knew where we wanted it, it was just waiting for the right one to come along and in August it did. 

Six weeks later it was ours and after a lot of hard work sourcing furniture, painting, and fitting a new kitchen, at the end of December it was ready to take bookings. And we've actually got our first booking, yay!!!

So 2013 has been testing at times, but I feel all things are sent to make us stronger and I feel strong!!

So bring on 2014, I'm ready!!

Happy new year to you all and may you have health and happiness.



  1. I hope 2014 brings a lot more happiness, many holiday home bookings and much more crafting! x

  2. Thank you Lindsay. I hope 2014 also brings you lots of happiness and success in all you strive for. And of course lots of crafting!! xx
