Sunday 29 June 2014


We love Looe and if we get the chance, try to holiday there every year.

I have great memories of holidays there when I was younger and I want to create new memories with my own little family.  That's me below on Hannafore beach, looking out to Looe Island  in 1977!

This year is particularly special as it is my mums 60th birthday. She had mentioned a few years ago that for her big birthday she would really like it if we could all go to Looe together. It's a place she loves dearly and we really wanted her plan to come together.  

Thankfully we all made it!

Myself, Tim, kiddywinks and my parents all stayed in a lovely holiday cottage in Hannafore called Sea Breeze. We've stayed there a couple of times before and new it would be perfect.

My uncle and aunt have their own little flat about 100 yards along from Sea Breeze, so they stayed there. And my mums aunt and uncle travelled down in their own camper van and pitched up just outside Looe at the Camping Club site at St Martins.

Having us all there made my mum extremely happy and if she's happy, I'm happy!

Until next time.

Sarah xx


  1. Hope you had a wonderful time and your mum enjoyed her 60th birthday. Family time is the best time! xxx

    1. We had a wonderful time thank you Lindsay. It's not my mums birthday until September, but we decided to start the celebrations early. I totally agree, family time is the best. xx
