Friday 11 July 2014

Cricket Tea Baking - Chocolate Brownies

The next thing I decided to bake for the cricket tea on Sunday was Chocolate Brownies.

The recipe I've used for many years comes from The Christmas Book by Sheherazade Goldsmith. It can be found here

Now, Tim is a bit of a chocolate connoisseur, so loves brownies. Even though mine aren't quite up to the standard of our good friend Carolyn's (hers are amazing and can be ordered here, Tim is extremely complimentary of them and loves their gooeyness. So it is always my go to recipe if I want to make an edible gift or to take if I'm visiting friends.

It's a quick and simple recipe, with 8 ingredients. Most of which you probably have in your store cupboard .

The most time is taken gently melting the butter and chocolate together in a Bain Marie.

Once everything is mixed together it goes into the oven for 20-25 minutes (sometimes mine needs a little longer).

It is ready when it is firm to the touch.

I leave it to cool completely in the tin, then lift it out and slice.


Hope the boys enjoy it.

Until next time.

Sarah xx

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