Saturday 12 July 2014

Cricket Tea Baking - Flapjack

Next on the list to bake was Flapjack.

I love sticky, gooey, oatie flapjack and I found the perfect recipe in this book by Lorraine Pascale. You can also find the recipe here

With only 6 ingredients, this is really quick and easy to make.

The butter, sugar and syrup are all melted together in a pan. The oats, lemon zest and ginger are then mixed in and it's all packed nicely down into a pre greased and lined backing tray. Simples!!

It's then put into the oven for 40 minutes, after which you allow it to cool in the tin for 15 minutes before tipping out and slicing into squares.

Yummy, scrummy stickiness. Perfect!!

Until next time.

Sarah xx

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